Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The skinny of late. And pictures.

1) In the running for a creative nonfiction prize. If I could ask for you to go somewhere and vote for me, I would.

2) Won a fellowship to the Summer Literary Series for Creative Nonfiction in Lithuania. Only goes toward tuition, so between room & board and airfare (and double it because I'd have to/demand on/want to take my kid with me), there's no way I can go. But they gave me something, and I'm focusing on the compliment of that.

4) Had a run in with a crazy in a green pickup truck today. He cut me off (he was in a left-turn-only lane at a light, I was in the go-straight land, but he went straight instead left, directly into the path of my straight-going car), and when I slammed on the breaks and the horn, he stopped his car, got out, came over to my car yelling at me to "Slow it down, bitch!" (I was doing about 12 miles an hour at the most, having just pulled out from a red light.) "Slow it down! I'm an undercover cop and I'm looking for an address! So back off!" Took pictures of the back of his car, drove a couple blocks away and called the police.

5) Working on trying to find Clifford Irving, the author of Fake! and the controversial/hoaxed Howard Hughes biography that's the basis of the film Hoax. Anybody out there conveniently his cousin or niece or something?

6) Have apparently forgotten how to count.

Ohio Turnpike
I've been goofing around with tilt shift and and old photos. I don't have a camera that's capable of creating the effect, or Photoshop (which has a great process for doing tilt shift), but I found an (extremely, thoroughly, utterly, completely) simplified version for free that does an okay job. I wouldn't have been opposed to spending a couple of bucks on a decent program, but they all seem to be modules or attachments or whatever to big, fat programs (read: expensive) like Photoshop, so there you go.

Pektor's Hill, looking down at Pektor's farm.
(refuses to click to larger image, for some reason)
Train in Duluth
These are a couple of snaps. I think they're okay - not as good as some I've seen - and I know some things I can do to get better ones out of the freeware (like go snap some pictures from heights and better angles). 
South Bethelem, looking down at Bethlehem Steel.
Plaza outside by Shedd Aquarium, Chicago.

1 comment:

  1. I very much like these photos, Priscilla. I stumbled into blogspot again by chance, and when asked to sign in, I did with my email and lo and behold, that's why I went here originally - your blog. Except are you still blogging at your blog? I like your blog, but then, I pretty much like your writing and your artwork and your crafts and etc. and am sort of a creative-like-Priscilla wannabe. Just so you know. I am not a stalker.

    I graduate next week. we haven't gathered this term - my fault...it's been another train wreck of a semester,but I sure wouldn't trade the experience of having returned to school for anything on the planet. Really. What a trip. What a great and big damned deal for me. Thanks for your part in it - one of the most memorable and fascinating instructors I had all the way through, and there are really only 4 of them that really stand out. So thanks, Priscilla; and even tho we didn't get coffee, I would like to know if you or your mom has any want or need of a tree, or shrub, or rose bush, or what have you - wait, what-have-*I*. What have I is way, way too many potted plants, mostly trees and shrubs and beginner bonsais - some are getting pretty cool now, the cedars and white pines. But anyway, let me know and I'll work out the logistics and bring you a cool whirligig as well. you need one. You're certainly a whirligig type gal so far as I'm concerned. As am I. It's how I know.

    Take care. I better try to reach you elsewhere online, I think.
